AMAC Magazine: Volume 17, Issue 4

Follow the Money

Exposing the Radical Left’s Big Bucks Backers

F rom George Soros’ pack of “progressive” prosecutors to ballot harvesting operations that would make Boss Tweed blush, all of the radical left’s schemes to “reimag- ine” American democracy are funded by wealthy, well-connected individ- uals and organizations who enjoy almost complete anonymity. AMAC Newsline interviewed Capi- tal Research Center (CRC) President Scott Walter to learn more about who exactly is behind the left-wing money machine, how those dollars make their way to individual activists

and Democrat politicians, and why so few Americans know about it. Through the tireless work of Walter and his staff, CRC has become the country’s leading investigative think tank examining “how foundations, charities, and other nonprofits spend money and get involved in politics and advocacy, often in ways that donors never intended and would find abhorrent.” AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber has praised Walter and CRC for “fighting for the transparency Ameri- cans deserve from their elected lead- ers” while also saying that “exposing the funding networks behind the

people and movements that shape our politics and our society is a vital part of creating an informed citizenry.” Our interview with him is transcr- ibed below. AMAC Scott, thanks so much for agreeing to this sit-down. To start, I’d like to get your definition of the term “dark money.” That’s something that you hear a lot about today on both the left and the right, but my guess is most Americans aren’t sure exactly what it means.

22 • AMAC Magazine

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