AMAC Magazine - Volume 18 | Issue 2 | Mar/Apr 2024



APR 2024 | $2.95


A Dramatically Better Future . . . Page 8 by Guest Columnist Newt Gingrich Trump’s Secret Sauce . . . Page 32

AMAC Announces National Event . . . Page 40

- Dr. Mike Fuljenz Numismatic Consultant - First Fidelity Reserve America’s Gold Expert,® & 2021 ANA NATIONAL DEALER OF THE YEAR. “Uncertainty boosts metals pricing, buy gold & silver now!”

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Dear AMAC Member, When my father founded AMAC in 2007, he could not have foreseen the radi- cal changes that would transform life in America. Today, a small but powerful number of people who control government, the media, and many aspects of our economy have abandoned “we the people” to advance their own leftist ideology. Never has your participation in AMAC been so critical to the future of our nation. The Biden Administration has abandoned law and order. Organized crime is at an all-time high. Our borders are breaking at the seams. Eleven million illegal migrants have poured into our country since Biden took office, 345 of which are known or suspected terrorists. Countless criminal aliens are trafficking poisonous drugs into our communities. Even if only a minority of illegal aliens crossing pose a violent threat to our families, we owe it our fellow Americans to protect them from further danger. The tragic murder of 22-year-old Laken Riley by an illegal alien could have been avoided, which is why it’s crucial for us to unite and loudly proclaim, “No more!” Even one life lost to a criminal alien is one life too many. Unfortunately, hundreds of families have suffered the same indescribable sorrow and grief. We cannot remove their pain, but we owe it to them to prevent such heinous acts from taking more innocent lives. While Senate Democrats continue to do all they can to ensure illegal aliens are counted in the US census, upending our electoral college to tip the scales in favor of the left’s radical agenda, AMAC is fighting back. With your help, over 30,000 letters and emails have been sent to members of Congress urging them to stop illegals from influencing the outcome of US elections. See page 26. Despite the immense challenges we face, America’s future is filled with remark- able opportunities – if we seize them. Our distinguished guest columnist, Newt Gingrich, paints a picture of what that future could look like if we pioneer inno- vations such as medical cures and space exploration. See page 8. Together, we can build a future where children are inspired by the greatness of our nation, where families do not fear for their safety, where teachers are empowered to preserve our children’s innocence, where the sanctity of life at all stages is cherished, and where government overreach is a thing of the past. May God bless you, and may God bless America. Rebecca Weber Chief Executive Officer & Editor in Chief P.S. Will you join us on 6/14–6/16 for The People’s Convention? Check out details on page 40. LETTER FROM THE EDITOR


Chief Executive Officer, Association of Mature American Citizens



Publisher AMAC, Inc.

Managing Editor Pamela Smith Creative Director Emily Z.

Editor in Chief Rebecca Weber Associate Editor Alexa Astuto

Cover Artist Paul Partlow

Senior Contributing Writers

Alex Ayers Bob Carlstrom Robert B. Charles Stephen Fauer, CFA

Gerry Hafer Andrew Mangione Palmer Schoening D.J. Wilson

Advertising Representative Gia Ricottone

Contact AMAC 888-262-2006 |

PLEASE NOTE: This issue of the AMAC Magazine went to print on March 12, 2024.

04 • AMAC Magazine

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the magazine of the association of mature american citizens


APRIL 2024

VOL. 18 ISS. 2






School Choice is Revolutionizing Education in America


Trump’s Secret Sauce



The Covert Campaign to “Transition” American Children




Ask Rusty


A Dramatically Better Future . . . 8 National Debt . . . 18 A Pro-Life Message of Hope this Easter . . . 20


AMAC in Action


A Return to Yesteryear


AMAC Benefit Highlight


Just for Fun Solutions on page 12


Member Benefits Directory


Mature American Citizens, Inc. 5 Orville Drive, Suite 400, Bohemia, NY 11716 1-888-262-2006 |

06 • AMAC Magazine

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A Dramatically Better Future

see beyond the daily focus and realize the amazing things being developed in laboratories, research centers, and small entrepreneurial companies. We are close to almost unimag- inable breakthroughs in health, space, energy, robotics, and the use of infor- mation through artificial intelligence and artificial general intelligence. In the area of health, we are close to three parallel breakthroughs. First, the development of true cost and quality transparency in health care will lead to a constant cycle of better outcomes and greater produc- tivity. Bureaucracy imposes price controls to slow the rise of prices (creating red tape, waiting times, and declining quality of services). An information-rich market — with you, the patient, knowing what you are getting and what you are paying for — will lead to crashes in cost combined with dramatic breakthroughs in qual- ity and availability.

Second, the number of diseases on the verge of being cured or managed is remarkable. President Richard Nixon’s 1971 declaration of a war on cancer has paid off with continuous breakthroughs in biology and in medi- cal solutions. When I was in Congress, we also recognized the importance of getting better cures for and better management of incurable diseases. So, we insisted on doubling the budget of the National Institutes of Health. With the breakthroughs from the Human Genome Project, we are gaining a dramatically better under- standing of how the human body works, what makes it ill, and what cures or prevents illness. Whether it is diabetes, sickle cell anemia, cancer, heart disease, or a host of other prob- lems, our abilities to extend life — and importantly, quality of life — are going to continue to accelerate at an amazing pace. Third, scientific breakthroughs are beginning to build a revolutionary opportunity to extend a healthy life for an almost unimaginable time.

Newt Gingrich

A merica is on the edge of a series of technological and scientific breakthroughs that are going to transform our lives. We will live longer, be wealthier, and have dramatically greater productivity. The emergence of new tools for living well will mean many of today’s prob- lems will simply disappear. Remarkable new science and technol- ogies are being developed all around us. Unfortunately, the focus of poli- ticians and the news media is nega- tive, conflict-oriented, and fixated on immediate problems. It is difficult to

08 • AMAC Magazine

New longevity-focused science will soon allow us to live healthy lives far beyond the current 80 or 90 years. Dr. Michael Roizen describes this new science in The Great Age Reboot: Cracking the Longevity Code for a Younger Tomorrow . Roizen discusses an emerging science that we know is working in a variety of animal exper- iments. Scientists are reversing the aging process and turning older animals into much younger, health- ier, and more energetic animals. Roizen estimates that an average 25-year-old today was projected to live to 79 at the time of birth, but with all the imminent breakthroughs in longevity research, that person’s lifespan will probably be 125. In other words, scientific breakthroughs will have added 46 years to the average lifespan. Furthermore, Roizen asserts that people will be dramatically healthier and have far greater capa- bilities as they grow older. He calls the concept “real age” and argues that our real age will become much younger than our actual years. If health is the area of greatest break- through for our current lives, the potential to take our longer, health- ier lives and go into space is going to increase dramatically. In the late 1980s, Congressman Bob Walker and I fought to get NASA to build a reusable rocket. Despite allocating $400 million, they just couldn’t get it to work. Fifteen years later, a private sector entrepreneur, Elon Musk, began developing reus- able rockets. Last year, his company, Space X, had 92 successful orbital launches — more than any company

had ever achieved. Now he is build- ing Starship. This is the largest rocket ever built, with 33 engines. It will carry 150 tons of cargo in the reusable version. It will also be able to carry 100 passengers as far as Mars. As usual, once a technology is devel- oped, others can learn and match it. In addition to Starship, there will be Blue Origin’s New Glenn and Relativ- ity Space’s Terran-R reusable heavy lift vehicles. There are also experi- ments underway to see nuclear power in space, which could cut the time for getting to Mars from 7 months to 45 days. The emergence of practical access to space will create a new sense of optimism and excitement about the future. Energy is the third great area of breakthroughs. New developments have been made in small modular nuclear reactors. We have witnessed dramatic improvements in the use of geothermal power, and fusion capa- bilities appear to be rapidly improv- ing. All these developments turn the world away from energy scarcity toward a new, more abundant future with declining costs. Jobs, transporta- tion, and quality of life will all improve as energy production once again achieves an upward trajectory. BMW recently announced that it has robots helping to build its cars. Every five hours, these robots walk over to an electricity source and plug them- selves in to charge. This is a hint at the widespread use of robots in the next generation. Many physical aspects, such as taking care of Alzheimer’s patients at home, will be made much

easier by specialty robots. The robot- ics industry has been steadily increas- ing for the last half century. When robotics are combined with artificial intelligence, we will experience a striking improvement in our lives as repetitive and physically demanding activities are increasingly being done by intelligent machines. Finally, the most extraordinary improvement in the future is going to be the application of artificial intel- ligence — and in particular artificial general intelligence. Artificial intel- ligence is the application of large information systems’ “thinking” to specific activities. For example, the Federal Aviation Agency uses AI to monitor commercial flights in Amer- ican air space. Artificial general intel- ligence is less developed but will be revolutionary when it occurs. AGI is the development of the ability for systems to learn whatever they need to learn without being contained to one topic or area. This is just a sample of the amazing developments which are going to make the 2030s and beyond a period of extraordinary advancement, pros- perity, and opportunity. Now we just need to develop a news media and politics of optimism, hope, and enthusiasm. As President Ronald Reagan liked to say, “You ain’t seen nothing yet” and “America’s best days are ahead not behind.”

For more commentary from Newt Gingrich , visit Also, subscribe to the Newt’s World podcast.

Volume 18 Issue 2 • 09

School Choice is Revolutionizing Education in America

If there is a silver lining to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is the fact that it became the greatest catalyst for education reform in decades. Prior to the pandemic, most education experts would have dismissed the feasibility of enacting universal school choice legislation. But in the past two years, 17 states have expanded school choice programs, including 8 states that have passed universal school choice.

10 • AMAC Magazine

ity analysis facilitated by matched birth and school records from Florida, and find that the public school students most positively affected by increased exposure to private school choice are compar- atively low-[socioeconomic status] students (those with lower family incomes and lower maternal education levels). In other words, school choice helps impoverished students the most, even those who remain in public schools. Innovative Education The expansion of school choice has opened the floodgates for innova- tive educational options, and in the last three years, we have seen an emergence of more personalized approaches to education. One of the fastest-growing new educational models is “micro-school- ing,” which is the modern version of a one-room schoolhouse. Parents in local communities typically pool resources to either teach subjects themselves or hire a teacher to instruct about 10-25 kids of similar ages and academic levels. The sched- ule and curriculum can be tailored to fit the needs of each group. This model of schooling can operate online, in person  often in homes, churches, or other creative spaces  or as a hybrid model. Some micro- school teachers use a curriculum from an organization like Acton Acad- emy, while others create their own curriculum based on the needs and talents of their students. According to a recent estimate, more than 1.5

This rapid progress was precipitated by parents’ increasing dissatisfac- tion with public schools as they got an up-close look into their children’s learning experience when class was moved onto Zoom  not to mention parents’ exasperation when many teachers’ unions kept public schools closed for an entire year. According to a joint Harvard-Stanford study, students in public schools lost roughly half a year of learning in math and a quarter of a year in reading due to school closures, hurting impov- erished children the most. Student reading levels have plummeted to 1992 levels, effectively erasing 30 years of steady progress. Now, four years since the start of the pandemic, public schools have yet to make up for these learning losses. Families of all socioeconomic back- grounds are rightly demanding more options for their children, and state In late 2022, Arizona became the first state to pass universal school choice. Now, any family in Arizona can access up to $6,500 per year through an education savings account (ESA) to choose a school that best fits the needs of their child. Enacting this legislation was a hercu- lean undertaking spearheaded by Republican Governor Doug Ducey. The governor’s team worked closely with parents, advocates, and lawmak- ers to get the bill across the finish line. lawmakers are listening. The Race for Choice

Once the law passed, other governors saw that such reforms were possi- ble in their states. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a prolific champion of educational freedom, became the second governor to sign universal school choice legislation. Now, the governors of Arkansas, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Utah, Iowa, and Ohio have enacted similar programs. The adoption of universal school choice marks a transformational shift in American education. For the first time in our history, millions of fami- lies have the financial freedom to choose the schools that are right for their children. Now, taxpayer dollars can travel with the child, rather than being confined to assigned public schools, which in many cases are fail- ing to educate, nurture, and realize the potential of our students. What’s more, school choice has proven to elevate outcomes in tradi- tional public schools. According to a study published in the Ameri- can Economic Journal, having more educational options increases the test scores of neighboring public schools, among other benefits. As author David Figlio writes: We find evidence that as public schools are more exposed to private school choice, their students experience increasing benefits as the program scales up. In particular, higher levels of private school choice exposure are associated with lower rates of suspensions and absences, and with higher standardized test scores in reading and in math. These results are not uniform: We carry out an extensive heterogene-

Volume 18 Issue 2 • 11

million children are now attending micro-schools. Charter schools and faith-based schools also continue to grow, and some have performed exceptionally well. Great Hearts Charter Network, the largest operator of classical charter schools, now serves 22,000 students in Arizona and Texas. Students score an average SAT score of 1237 — in the 83rd percentile nationwide. In New York City, Success Academies are giving some 17,000 students in low-income communities a chance to overcome poverty — and it’s working. The class of 2023 had a composite SAT score of 1208, with 80 percent of students passing one or more AP classes. Such results are nearly unprecedented in poverty-stricken communities. The Need for Quality Choices Despite some significant advance- ments in school choice, families still need more high-performing school- ing options in their communities. In some urban and rural areas, there are still extremely limited high-qual- ity options.

In Philadelphia, for instance, where charter schools have performed among the lowest in the coun- try, about 65 percent of students scored below a “basic” skill rating in math — the same as in traditional public schools. In English, 25 percent of charter school students scored below basic, compared to 30 percent in traditional public schools. Even more concerning, several states that have adopted universal school choice have done so without insti- tuting any accountability or testing measures. In Arizona, school choice institutions are not required to administer any standardized test to students, making it nearly impossible to evaluate choice schools based on student proficiency in core subjects like math and reading. While test scores are not the only important measure — a school’s environment, safety, and values play an indispensable role in educating children — testing averages are one critical gauge of whether schools are equipping students to succeed. In sum, there is still a great need for more creative and accessible educa- tion options, especially in disadvan-

taged communities. But we must ensure that for every innovation, there is a way to measure whether new models are actually improving academic outcomes for students. A New Education Frontier America is on the cusp of transfor- mative innovations in K–12 education that could propel millions of students to develop their unique talents and interests. Legislative reforms are a crucial start, but they are not suffi- cient in themselves. Lawmakers, parents, philanthropists, and educators must work together to ensure that the supply meets the demand for more quality options for students of all backgrounds. Only then will the United States empower every child to reach his or her God-given potential. Brittany Baldwin Brittany Baldwin serves as a senior advisor to AMAC. She previously served in the White House as a senior speechwriter to President Trump, and prior to that, she worked for Sen. Ted Cruz. She holds a BA in American Stud- ies from Hillsdale College.

PUZZLE SOLUTIONS puzzles on page 48

12 • AMAC Magazine

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Peace of mind. If you’re between the ages of 45 and 85, 1 here’s an easy and cost-effective way to help protect your loved ones for life. • Your acceptance is guaranteed • Your coverage begins immediately 2 • Your benefit will never go down • Your policy will never be canceled Whole life insurance actually builds cash value over time. And most claims are paid within 24 hours. 3 So your loved ones have the cash they need — when they need it most. Protection for life. As long as premiums are paid when due, you can keep this coverage up to your 120th birthday.





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1 Ages 50 to 75 in NY. 2 Once your application has been received with your first month’s premium, we will review and accept it.

3 Based on 12 months of rolling data for policies $2,000-$25,000 after all required documentation is received; excludes claims made within 24 months from policy issue date. This is a solicitation of individual insurance. A licensed insurance agent/producer may contact you by telephone. These policies contain benefits, reductions, limitations, and exclusions . During the first two years, the death benefit is 110% of all premiums paid. Whole life insurance is underwritten by United of Omaha Life Insurance Company, 3300 Mutual of Omaha Plaza, Omaha, NE 68175, which is licensed nationwide except NY. Life insurance policies issued in NY are underwritten by Companion Life Insurance Company, Melville, NY 11747. Each underwriting company is responsible for its own financial and contractual obligations and shares a financial interest with AMAC in this program. This policy is available to people not affiliated with AMAC. Not available in all states. Benefit amounts may vary by state. Policy Form ICC18L198P or state equivalent (D787LFL19P in FL, 1002Y-0119 in NY). D614451 PB615068

We’re Planning to Claim at 62; What Do We Need to Know? Dear Rusty, My wife (born in May 1962) and I (born in April 1963) are retired and will soon be looking to start collecting our Social Security as we each hit 62. As this is new to us, I’m wondering what things we may need to be aware of or consider as we get closer to her 62nd birthday in May. Any advice or information would be appreciated! Signed, Planning Ahead

(FRA), and that is a permanent reduction. If you expect at least average longevity— about 84 for you and 87 for your wife—and if it is financially feasible, then waiting longer to claim would yield a higher monthly amount as well as the most in cumulative lifetime benefits. For those with an FRA of 67, SS retirement bene- fits claimed at FRA are 30 percent higher than at 62 and if claimed at 70 are 75 percent higher than at 62. And although the decision on when to claim is always personal, a married couple should also evaluate their joint needs when deciding. One final word of caution; although you and your wife are now retired from work- ing, be aware that if you claim SS bene- fits before your FRA and return to work, Social Security has an earnings test which limits how much you can earn before some benefits are taken away. The earn- ings test lasts until you reach your full retirement age. Signed, Russell Gloor This article presents the opinions of the AMAC Foundation Staff and is intended for informa- tion purposes only. It does not represent legal or financial guidance.

Dear Planning Ahead, If you and your wife are both retired from working and have decided to start your (reduced) Social Security as soon as you are eligible at age 62, then there is nothing you need to do in advance of applying. The Social Security retirement benefit amount for each of you will be determined by your individual lifetime earnings record and your age when you claim. If either of you will be eligible for a spousal boost from the other, that will automatically be applied when both of you are collecting. If your wife plans to claim her Social Security as soon as she is eligible, she should apply for her benefits about three months in advance and choose the option on the application which states, “I want benefits beginning with the earli- est possible month and will accept an age-related reduction.” For information, an applicant must be 62 for an entire month to receive benefits, so your wife’s first month of eligibility will be June 2024. Social Security deals only in whole months and pays benefits in the month following the month earned; so if your wife’s birthday is between the 11th and 20th of the month, her first Social Secu- rity payment will be received in her bank account on the third Wednesday of July. All subsequent payments will be made on

that same schedule. Then, when it’s time for you to claim, you should follow the same process as your wife, and if either of you is entitled to a higher amount as a spouse, it will automatically be applied when your benefits later start. Applying for benefits is a relatively simple process if done online at . Note that to apply online, your wife will need to first create her personal “ my Social Secu- rity ” account, which is easy to do at . To prepare for applying later, you can also create your personal online account now (it’s required to apply online), at which point you will see what your estimated bene- fit will be at different ages. Of course, your wife can first (and later you can) call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 to request an appointment to apply for SS retirement benefits in person. Appli- cations which are not done online are usually taken over the phone and do not require a visit to your local Social Secu- rity office, but applying online is, by far, the most efficient method (you can link to the application process from your online account). One important thing to be aware of: By claiming at age 62, the monthly payment for each of you will be 70 percent of what it would be at your full retirement age

The Advice Doesn't End Here! Scan to Meet the Team Or visit us at

Have a Social Security question? Contact us at or 888-750-2622

14 • AMAC Magazine

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KURT MEYER - Vice President, Strategic Partnerships & Membership Services, AMAC

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The national debt has now surpassed $7 trillion in intragovernmental debt $34 TRILLION $27 trillion in debt held by the public


IF EVERY US HOUSEHOLD CONTRIBUTED $1,000/MONTH $259,000 per household toward paying down the national debt it would take about or

22 years. $101,000 per person in America.

T he nation’s debt is now an existential threat, totaling $34 trillion, with an additional $20 trillion expected by 2034. Annual interest is a trillion dollars—more than defense spending, 200 times more than border spending. By 2034, our debt will be 116 percent of GDP. No nation

has ever carried that kind of government-driven debt and escaped calamity—default, hyperinfla- tion, internal instability. How then do we avoid those calamities—and get safely home? . . .

Read the full article by Robert B. Charles on AMAC’s website by scanning the QR code or visiting

18 • AMAC Magazine

Infographic source: Peter G. Peterson Foundation

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USES: The Inogen Portable Oxygen Concentrator provides a high concentration of supplemental oxygen to patients requiring respiratory therapy on a prescriptive basis. It may be used in home, institution, vehicle, and various mobile environments. DO NOT USE IF: This device is not intended to be used in any way other than described in the indications for use. Do not use in parallel or series with other oxygen concentrators or oxygen therapy devices. This device is to be used as an oxygen supplement and is not intended to be life sustaining or life supporting. ONLY use this product if the patient is capable of spontaneous breath, able to inhale and exhale without the use of a machine. The conserving, or pulse dose, oxygen delivery technique used by this device is contraindicated in persons whose breathing during normal resting would be unable to trigger the device. Proper device triggering, setup and operation must be confirmed by an experienced clinician or other respiratory professional. Not for pediatric use. Not for use by tracheotomized patients. WARNINGS: The device produces enriched oxygen gas, which accelerates combustion. Do not allow smoking or open flames within 2m (6.56ft) of this device while in use. If you feel ill or uncomfortable, or if the concentrator does not signal an oxygen pulse and you are unable to hear and/or feel the oxygen pulse, consult your equipment provider and/or your physician immediately. If you are unable to communicate discomfort, you may require additional monitoring and or a distributed alarm system to convey the information about the discomfort and or the medical urgency to your responsible caregiver to avoid harm. Use only spare parts recommended by the manufacturer to ensure proper function and to avoid the risk of fire and burns. To avoid danger of choking or strangulation hazard, keep cords away from children and pets. TALK TO YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER: The oxygen flow setting must be determined and recorded for each patient individually by the prescriber, including the configuration of the device, its parts, and the accessories. It is the responsibility of the patient to periodically reassess the setting(s) of the therapy for effectiveness. The proper placement and positioning of the prongs of the nasal cannula in the nose is critical for oxygen to be delivered.

Message of Hope is Pro-Life Easter A

A fter the landmark Dobbs Supreme Court decision in 2022, what has seemed to follow is an uninterrupted string of defeats for the pro-life movement. But as the miracle of Easter reminds us, often things seem the most hope- less just before a glorious victory. It is remarkable how analogous the Easter story is to the experience of the pro-life movement over the past two years. The fall of Roe was a triumph five decades in the making and seemed to be the dawn of a new golden age for the right to life. Simi- larly, Jesus’s triumphal arrival in Jeru- salem on Palm Sunday seemed to harken to the beginning of a golden age for Israel.

But for the pro-life movement, much like the followers of Jesus, the jubi- lation would be short-lived. A week after being welcomed as Israel’s long-prophesied king, Jesus would be crucified as a common criminal. A crown of thorns was thrust upon His head as He was mocked: “King of the Jews.” In our own time, the pro-abortion movement has responded to Dobbs with a vengeance, passing even more extreme laws in blue states legaliz- ing abortion up until  and in some cases even after  the moment of birth. In purple and red states, they have led one successful ballot initia- tive after another reversing pro-life laws passed by state legislatures.

In the culture and schools, pro-abor- tion advocates have doubled down on their campaign to indoctrinate children into believing that an unborn baby is not a human being, and that abortion is not only a human right but is somehow an empowering act rather than a tragedy. But here is where the story of Easter should serve as an inspiration to the pro-life movement. Just as the love of God ultimately won the victory over death, so too can pro-lifers have confidence that their defense of the God-given right to life will ultimately emerge victorious. It is difficult to imagine the depths of hopelessness and despair that the followers of Jesus must have felt two

continued on page 22

20 • AMAC Magazine


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thousand years ago upon the cruci- fixion of their savior. But as extreme as that anguish may have been, it was undoubtedly nothing compared to the awe and joy at seeing Christ resur- rected on Easter Sunday. Christians are right to feel similar anguish at the fact that the abortion industry continues to hold immense sway over American culture and a large number of politicians. But the Bible tells us that every human being is made in the image of God, and that He knew us “before I formed you in the womb.” This means that God’s love abounds for every unborn life, and that the hope Jesus provided through his death and resurrection will never

cease, even in spite of all the broken- ness in our world. Already there are some promising signs that the pro-life movement is gaining ground in the culture. Accord- ing to a Marist poll from last year, 71 percent of Americans want some limits on abortion — including 49 percent of Democrats and 93 percent of Republicans. The Bible never promises us that following God will be easy; in fact, it explicitly says the opposite. Even following the resurrection of Christ, His followers faced hardship, pain, and even death at the hands of a hostile world. Paul was beheaded. Peter was crucified upside down. Thomas was pierced through by spears.

The apostles that led the ministry of Christ did not do so because they expected to be celebrated by the culture. Nor were they extraordi- nary men — in fact, they were chosen precisely because they were ordinary, showing that Jesus’s movement was for everyone. Though our society has not yet seen the ultimate victory over abortion, this Easter, pro-life Americans can take heart in the same words that provided hope to the faithful in Jeru- salem on Easter Sunday: “Peace be with you! Yes, He is alive!”

Ben Solis Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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