AMAC Magazine - volume 18 | issue 2

Message of Hope is Pro-Life Easter A

A fter the landmark Dobbs Supreme Court decision in 2022, what has seemed to follow is an uninterrupted string of defeats for the pro-life movement. But as the miracle of Easter reminds us, often things seem the most hope- less just before a glorious victory. It is remarkable how analogous the Easter story is to the experience of the pro-life movement over the past two years. The fall of Roe was a triumph five decades in the making and seemed to be the dawn of a new golden age for the right to life. Simi- larly, Jesus’s triumphal arrival in Jeru- salem on Palm Sunday seemed to harken to the beginning of a golden age for Israel.

But for the pro-life movement, much like the followers of Jesus, the jubi- lation would be short-lived. A week after being welcomed as Israel’s long-prophesied king, Jesus would be crucified as a common criminal. A crown of thorns was thrust upon His head as He was mocked: “King of the Jews.” In our own time, the pro-abortion movement has responded to Dobbs with a vengeance, passing even more extreme laws in blue states legaliz- ing abortion up until  and in some cases even after  the moment of birth. In purple and red states, they have led one successful ballot initia- tive after another reversing pro-life laws passed by state legislatures.

In the culture and schools, pro-abor- tion advocates have doubled down on their campaign to indoctrinate children into believing that an unborn baby is not a human being, and that abortion is not only a human right but is somehow an empowering act rather than a tragedy. But here is where the story of Easter should serve as an inspiration to the pro-life movement. Just as the love of God ultimately won the victory over death, so too can pro-lifers have confidence that their defense of the God-given right to life will ultimately emerge victorious. It is difficult to imagine the depths of hopelessness and despair that the followers of Jesus must have felt two

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