AMAC Action 2020 Annual Advocacy Report

Calls-to-Action AMAC Action activated the membership at-large to contact federal and state representatives in Call-to- Action campaigns designed to complement lobbying efforts on key issues in 2020: • In January, AMAC members comprised nearly 80% of all comments left on the HHS website in response to their request for opinions regarding the rule they were crafting for health care price transparency. This overwhelming response led to a CMS rule that included verbiage favorable to AMAC’s support of instructing hospitals to disclose the prices they charge for items and services. • The previously mentioned required minimum distribution recommendation was supported by a Call-to-Action in March 2020 where AMAC members sent over 7,400 emails to Members of Congress asking them to suspend this distribution. This activity contributed to securing the temporary waiver. • In June through July, AMAC members sent over 35,000 emails to Members of Congress urging them to codify the aforementioned price transparency Executive Order in any Covid-19 Phase 4 stimulus relief package. • In July, AMAC members sent over 4,500 emails to the Governors of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and California to hold them accountable regarding their decision to discharge Covid-19 contagious patients from hospitals to nursing homes, causing a disproportionate spike in elderly nursing home deaths in those states. AMAC Action worked directly with the minority members of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis to coordinate this activity. • AMAC members sent nearly 4,400 emails in September to Senators Kaine, Tillis, Jones, Romney, Manchin, Murkowski, and Collins urging them to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. This campaign was a success as every Republican, with the exception of Senator Collins, voted to confirm Justice Coney Barrett, including Senator Murkowski who had considered voting not to confirm. • Over 186,000 AMAC members and friends signed a petition in November and December to express their concern over election fraud in the 2020 general election. The petition was shared with Governors, state Attorneys General, Secretaries of State, state Election Directors, and Legislative leaders in the battleground states of Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. It was also sent to the Republican Governors Association, Republican Attorneys General Association, and the National Attorneys General Association. AMAC Action shared this petition with the United States Attorney General and staff, Senator Mitch McConnel and staff, Senator Chuck Grassley and staff, Congressman Kevin McCarthy and staff, Congressman Steve Scalise and staff, and the United States Department of Justice. Copies of the petition were also sent to the Trump White House. • Nearly 5,000 contacts were made by AMAC members in November and December to key members of the House and Senate urging them to support President Trump’s efforts to fight for election integrity. • Taking the battle for election integrity to the state level, over 20,300 AMAC members in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin sent over 43,000 emails to approximately 920 state legislators demanding that they take action to preserve election integrity in two separate campaigns spanning from December 2020 through early January 2021. These campaigns, combined with other outside efforts, helped to persuade legislators from Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Arizona to send a letter to Vice President Mike Pence asking for a delay in the opening and counting of Electoral College votes until these legislatures had more time to meet, investigate, and vote on certifying or decertifying the election in their respective states. • In advance of the January 5, 2021 US Senate runoff election in Georgia, AMAC Action sent approximately 80,000 post cards to AMAC members in Georgia, urging them to vote in that special election. • In addition to the postcard mailing for the US Senate runoff election in Georgia, AMAC Action partnered with the Faith & Freedom Coalition to procure AMAC members to volunteer to distribute voter guides and make telephone calls to get-out-the-vote. AMAC Action utilized specialized advocacy software to execute these campaigns and through January 2021, over 223,800 AMAC members and friends made over 159,200 connections with their federal and state representatives and participated in petition initiatives.

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