AMAC Magazine - Volume 18 | Issue 3 | May/Jun 2024


Americans can finally grow thick, lustrous hair “This will help your thinning hair and receding hairline in just 30 days” says top US Doctor Clinical trials show a new hair loss breakthrough can help both men and women naturally regrow a thick, full head of hair – without drugs, surgery, or side effects

T housands are rushing to get a new hair restoration method based on surprising new studies from the University of California. It is the world’s first and only hair loss solution that revives dead hair follicles. And studies confirm it helps men and women regrow a thick, full head of hair, even after years of balding. Now, with news of this breakthrough spreading like wildfire — the manufacturers are struggling to keep up with overwhelming demand. That’s because, unlike other methods, it is prescription-free, drug-free, and has no side effects. And while hair transplants can cost $4,000 or more, this new approach costs pennies on the dollar and doesn’t involve going to the doctor’s office. Instead, it leverages cutting-edge technology to prevent hair loss, fills in embarrassing bald spots, and Re- Nourishes thinning hair — with results you can see and feel in 30 days or less. As Jeanne F. from San Diego, CA reports: “When my husband began to use this product, all he had on top of his head was fuzz. His hair began to grow after 30 days and now it is about 2 to 3 inches long!”

reveals that hair loss is primarily caused by the stem cells in your hair follicles dying. “This discovery is a true breakthrough because by reviving these stem cells on your scalp, you can stop hair loss dead in its tracks and trigger new hair growth, even in areas that have been thinning for years,” explains Dr. Sears. Now, at his world-famous clinic, the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine in Palm Beach, FL, Dr. Sears and his team have used this game-changing discovery to develop a brand-new hair restoration formula that is taking the country by storm. Sold under the name Re-Nourish , it is flying off the shelves with men and women of all ages raving about the results it delivers.

active during certain phases of the hair growth cycle. “Your hair grows in three phases,” explains Dr. Sears. “First, you have the anagen phase, the hair growing phase. Then the catagen phase, when hair gets ready to shed. And finally, the telogen phase, where your hair is pushed from the follicle and falls out.” As you get older it becomes harder for your hair follicles to complete this three-phase cycle. The results? Your hairs get stuck in the telogen phase. This is when they start falling out and stop regrowing, no matter what you try. This process doesn’t happen overnight, says Dr. Sears. “At first, your hair dries out, becoming brittle, thin, and harder to style. Then, you start finding hairs on your pillow and down the drain. Finally, you’re left with bald spots that age you prematurely.” Fortunately, Re-Nourish puts a stop to this. It revives the dead stem cells in your hair follicles and reactivates your hair’s three-phase cycle, triggering new growth in as little as 30 days — even in areas that’ve been balding for years. Reawakens Dead Hair Follicles For years, scientists couldn’t figure out why hair follicle stem cells died. However, a study from the University of California finally found the answer. It has to do with T-cells — an important immune cell in your body. The researchers discovered these T-cells are the only way to command hair follicles to grow new hair.

the appearance of thicker, fuller hair. For example, the key nutrient of Re-Nourish was tested on a group of severely balding women. After 6 months, nearly 70% of the women saw significant improvement in hair growth. Their hair was noticeably fuller, thicker, and healthier looking. Most exciting of all, they grew new hair on parts of their scalp that had been bald for years. In another study, Italian researchers gathered a group of both men and women with thinning hair and applied the core ingredient of Re-Nourish . After 12 weeks, they reported a staggering 74% increase in hair growth. “It’s really mind-boggling that my hair started growing back,” says Zan R., another Re-Nourish customer. With results like this, it’s no surprise that demand for Re- Nourish is soaring. Thousands of men and women are scrambling to get their hands on the limited supply available. Re-Nourish is not currently available in any store at any price. But we’ve secured a small batch for our readers.

Breakthrough research proves this discovery helps fill in bald spots, re-nourishes thinning hair, and leads to noticeable growth in as little as 30 days.

“I have seen a significant improvement in hair growth. Previously, you could see thinning areas at the back of my head and now hair has grown over it,” says Peter W. from Ontario, Canada. And Susan D. from Fort Pierce, Florida reports, “My hair was thinning. So, I began to use Re- Nourish every day on the front part of my scalp. Now I have thicker hair.” Regrows Hair In Just 30 Days

Try Re-Nourish 100% Risk-Free

Surprising Truth About Hair Loss It is commonly believed that hair loss is hereditary. Unfortunately, most people think there is nothing they can do to stop it. However, while many doctors will tell you that thinning hair, a receding hairline, and bald spots are due to your genetics, this is not the whole story. To secure the hot, new Re- Nourish formula, buyers should contact the Sears Health Hotline at 1-800-548-0935 TODAY. “It’s not available in retail stores yet,” says Dr. Sears. “The Hotline allows us to ship directly to the customer.” Dr. Sears feels so strongly about Re- Nourish , all orders are backed by a 100% money-back guarantee. “Just send me back the bottle and any unused product within 90 days from purchase date, and I’ll send you all your money back.” The customer is responsible for the return shipping. Call NOW at 1-800-548-0935 to secure your supply of Re-Nourish . Use Promo Code RNAMAC624 when you call. Lines are frequently busy, but all calls will be answered! THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. RESULTS MAY VARY. 12 “While genetics play a role, it’s not the main reason you lose hair,” says Dr. Al Sears, the nation’s top anti- aging doctor. “And surprisingly it’s not just your age, thyroid, hormones, stress, or a vitamin deficiency, either.” The latest scientific research Scientists now know that stem cells are the lifeblood of your hair follicles. Research from the University of California shows they’re the reason you’re able to grow hair. However, these stem cells aren’t always active. In fact, studies reveal they’re only More importantly, they showed that T-cells helped revive the stem cells in your hair follicles — spurring new growth, filling in bald spots and natural hairline. Re-Nourish uses a unique blend of all-natural ingredients. By spraying it on your hair once per day, scientific studies show you can revive dead stem cells and improve

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