AMAC Magazine - Volume 18 | Issue 3 | May/Jun 2024

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politics and the language they associate with their ideology. This law prevents large financial institutions from de-bank- ing conservatives simply because their beliefs conflict with those of the bank’s leadership. Second Amendment AMAC members in Maine rose to help defeat a so-called “red flag” law that constitutional observers considered to be a pathway for gun confiscation. They sent nearly 200 messages to the Maine legislature to discourage support for the bill, which was tabled as the legislative session expired. National Call-to-Action Campaigns In addition to major wins at the state level, AMAC Action launched national call-to-

action campaigns to address member concerns about illegal immigrants voting in US elections and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) proposed pandemic treaty that would threaten America’s sovereignty. Members put Congress on notice by way of over 35,400 messages to members of Congress, urging them to act immediately to ensure that the right to vote is reserved exclusively for American citizens. AMAC members also sent more than 9,000 messages to US Senators, exhort- ing them to preserve America’s jurisdic- tion over future pandemics and rejecting the WHO’s global power grab. The left’s march to erase our liberties and re-make America into a Marxist utopia is relentless, but rest assured that the AMAC

Action Army does not wilt in the face of this challenge. We will always proudly defend the God-given rights of Ameri- can citizens. Much work remains between now and November 2024. However, I am confident that the AMAC Army will help us reclaim our nation and restore the American values of faith, family, and freedom.

Andrew Mangione

Andrew Mangione is Senior Vice President of AMAC Action, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit conservative advocacy organization, created to serve as the advocacy affiliate of the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC). He also represents AMAC as national spokesperson.


Volume 18 Issue 3 • 39

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