AMAC Magazine - Volume 18 | Issue 3 | May/Jun 2024

AMAC Action Advocacy Starts Strong in 2024 AMAC ACTION

A MAC members are leading the charge to save America from the radical left. As more Americans join AMAC in our fight to protect your freedoms, AMAC has been recognized as one of the most powerful grassroots advocacy groups in America. AMAC members have played a significant role in many legislative victories, includ- ing strengthening our elections to ensure that every legal vote counts and support- ing parental rights. AMAC members have also been instrumental in protecting Americans’ First Amendment rights to free speech and religious liberty and the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Below is an overview of what AMAC members have accomplished so far in 2024. Election Integrity In Wisconsin, AMAC members were critical in efforts to ban private money such as “Zuckerbucks” from being used to administer local elections. Thanks in part to AMAC Action’s get-out-the-vote efforts coupled with a well-timed infor- mational statewide Chapter meeting, Wisconsinites voted to amend the state’s constitution to ban “Zuckerbucks” and ensure that only authorized public offi- cials can manage the election process, effectively removing left-wing activists from state election administration offices.

This was a major win to safeguard our elections from corruption. In Oklahoma, AMAC members played a pivotal role in passing legislation to ban ranked-choice voting from the state’s municipal and statewide elections. They sent hundreds of supportive messages to their state representatives to help pass the bill in the House which helped to pave the way for easy passage in the Senate. Governor Kevin Stitt signed this bill into law. In Missouri, AMAC members helped the Senate pass a resolution to ban ranked- choice voting and ensure that only citi- zens of the United States can vote in their elections. AMAC members sent over 400 messages to state senators to help get the resolution passed. As of this writing, the resolution awaits passage in the Missouri House. If the resolution passes the House, a referendum will be placed on the November ballot, giving Missouri voters the opportunity to amend the state’s constitution to include these important election integrity measures. In Virginia, AMAC members flooded Governor Glenn Youngkin’s office with nearly 800 messages urging him to veto bad election integrity bills passed by the legislature. The governor responded by vetoing 12 of the 16 bills in question with future action pending.

Parental Rights AMAC members in Ohio began 2024 by sending the legislature nearly 3,300 messages urging members to override Governor Mike DeWine’s veto of the SAFE Act, which banned biological boys from participating in girls’ sports and protected minor children from irrevers- ible gender surgeries. Both the Senate and the House successfully overrode the governor’s veto. Thanks in large part to AMAC members’ engagement, Ohio is protecting the dignity of children. AMAC Action lobbied the Tennessee legislature to pass the Families’ Rights and Responsibilities Act. This bill declares that parents have the fundamental right to direct their children’s education, upbringing, and medical and mental health care. It also gives parents recourse when government workers interfere with the parent-child relationship, among other provisions. The bill was signed into law by Governor Bill Lee and becomes effective on July 1, 2024. Religious Freedom and Free Speech Thanks in part to the lobbying efforts of AMAC Action, Tennessee now has a unique law that prohibits banks with at least $100 billion in assets from discrim- inating against customers because of their conservative views on religion or

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