AMAC Magazine - Volume 18 | Issue 3 | May/Jun 2024

country illegally since Biden took office could be more than 10 million. When these figures are taken into account, the full picture becomes even more terrifying. A Shameful Record Before even taking office, during the first Democrat primary debate in 2019, Joe Biden promised that he would provide healthcare to illegal aliens if elected president. During another debate a few months later, he pledged to “surge to the border all those people who are seeking asylum.” At various other points during the campaign, Biden also vowed to reverse Trump’s immigration poli- cies, effectively issuing an open invi- tation to come to the United States and cross the border illegally. Once in office, Biden made good on those promises. On his very first day, he halted border wall construction and ended virtually all deportations. He then reversed President Trump’s ban on travel and immigration from terrorism hotspots, endangering US national security in the process. By April 2021, deportations reached a historic low despite an unprece- dented increase in illegal crossings. Just a few weeks later, Biden signifi- cantly loosened the criteria for seeking asylum to the point where virtually anyone can now cross the border illegally, claim asylum, and be safe from deportation. Asylum courts were quickly overwhelmed, and some border crossers are now being given hearing dates as far as ten years in

IlLeGaL iMmIgRaTiOn: vErY sErIoUs pRoBlEm Monmouth University Poll Results by Partisan Group National adults; February 8-12, 2024 91%



61% 58%

43% 46%

33% 42% 45%







Republican Democrat


Source: Monmouth University

the future — allowing them to remain legally in the country in the meantime. Biden also ended President Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy and the use of Title 42 to quickly expel migrants — both decisions opposed by border patrol officials. In addition, Biden dramatically expanded the use of the president’s parole authority, unilater- ally granting more than one million illegal aliens temporary legal status. As the border crisis has deepened, Biden has also taken actions to prevent states from protecting them- selves against the migrant invasion. Earlier this year, Biden attempted to stop Texas from building border barriers to stem the flood of illegal crossings. In total, Biden has taken more than 500 executive actions on the border

since taking office, which have cumulatively rendered the United States without a functional southern border at all. As much as he now wants to shift the blame for the crisis, it lies squarely with him. The border invasion is no accident — it was directly and inten- tionally caused by Biden’s policies. Drugs, Trafficking, and Terror Threats Liberals have long sought to elicit sympathy for illegal aliens by claim- ing that they just want a chance for a better life in America. And indeed, that is the case for many (although that is still not justification for breaking US laws and violating American sovereignty).

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