AMAC Magazine - Volume 18 | Issue 3 | May/Jun 2024

the Border Invasion Election

W ith Election Day fast approaching, no issue has dominated the headlines quite like the ongoing crisis at the US-Mexico border. While voters are undoubtedly concerned about inflation, crime, the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, the threat from communist China, and the rapid spread of left-wing extremism in American institutions, President Joe Biden’s greatest political liability is his direct role in allowing millions of illegal aliens to flood into the coun- try. In poll after poll, the border and illegal immigration rank among the top concerns for voters, and the pres-

ident is deep underwater on the issue with Republicans, Independents, and even Democrats. From big cities to small towns, Amer- icans of all political stripes are feeling the brunt of Biden’s border invasion, and it may well land him out of office. By the Numbers In total, as of the end of March 2024, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) had reported more than 7.6 million ille- gal border crossings since Joe Biden took office — greater than the individ- ual population of 37 states. Biden has set a new all-time high for most ille-

gal border crossings each year he has been in the White House, and he is on pace to do so again in 2024. Moreover, those figures represent just the illegal aliens encountered by law enforcement. The actual number of illegal aliens now in the country is likely far higher. For instance, CBP numbers don’t account for an estimated 1.7 million “gotaways,” or illegal crossers who have escaped into the interior of the country undetected. According to some estimates, the actual number of individuals who have entered the

Volume 18 Issue 3 • 27

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