AMAC Action 2022 Annual Advocacy Report

14 AMAC members... participated in 65 Call-to-Action campaigns and sent over 300,000 messages, calls, and comments to federal and state representatives, regulatory websites, and corporate executives and board members during 2022. These campaigns also included requests to sign petitions, participate in elections as poll watchers and election workers, and attend statewide election integrity summits. The campaigns were launched nationally as well as in individual states across the country with members urging support or opposition for issues of importance to the membership:

• In January, Indiana AMAC members sent 1,126 messages to their state representatives telling them to oppose insurance-driven managed care for Medicaid. They were successful in delaying a plan that would have compromised healthcare for senior citizens. • In January, AMAC members in Arizona, Montana, New Hampshire, and West Virginia sent Senators Sinema, Kelly, Tester, Hassan, and Manchin 3,856 messages to compel them to save the Senate filibuster. This effort was successful, as Senators Sinema and Manchin voted with Republicans to preserve the filibuster. • In January, AMAC Action recognized National Poll Worker Recruitment Day by sending a call-to-action to the membership at-large and directing them to the Election Assistance Commission’s website to sign-up to work the polls in 2022. • In January, AMAC’s Utah members sent 402 messages to their state legislators in support of H.J.R. 9 calling for a US Constitution amending convention. Utah members were also encouraged to testify in support of H.J.R. 9. Unfortunately, the resolution failed. • In January and February, Indiana AMAC members sent 27,183 messages to their state representatives to urge them to pass legislation that would have prohibited the teaching of critical race theory in public schools. Unfortunately, after widely passing the Indiana House, the bill died in the state Senate. • In February, AMAC members in Harris County, Texas, responded to a request to become poll watchers for the March primary elections. 55 AMAC members answered the call to work the polls for this election. • In February, South Carolina AMAC members sent 1,542 messages to state legislators stating their support for S. 141, a bill that demands the US Congress call a Convention of States to address and require federal fiscal responsibility. • In February, California AMAC members sent 3,478 messages to the state legislature in support of anti- crime bills. Unfortunately, both bills failed. • In February, AMAC members in New Mexico sent 13,939 messages to the state Senate demanding that they oppose so-called voters rights legislation. Their opposition resulted in stopping the bill during both the regular budgetary legislative session and a subsequent special session. • In February, AMAC members responded to a national campaign and flooded a Health and Human Services (HHS) website with 14,156 comments telling the agency to examine the anti-competitive business practices employed by group purchasing organizations (GPO) to drive down costs in the hospital supply chain. • In February, Florida’s AMAC members let their voice be heard for election integrity by sending 4,082 messages to the state legislature telling it to support Governor DeSantis’ package of election reforms. The bill, S.B. 524, passed and was signed into law by Governor DeSantis. • In March, April, May, and June AMAC members in Michigan participated in calls-to-action to sign a petition to allow voters and the state legislature to enact voter ID legislation without any action from the governor. • In March, April, and May AMAC members nationally sent 17,245 messages to a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) website telling the commission to investigate the business practices of pharmacy benefit managers

AMAC Action | | 855.809.6976 |

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