AMAC Magazine: Volume 17, Issue 3 - May/June 2023

decades of similar prophesies have amounted to exactly nothing. It seems stoking fears over climate change is yet another tool for the left to co-opt a generation of American youth to advance their own political aspirations, no matter the disastrous effect it may have on the mental health of youths.

communist authorities for “anti-rev- olutionary activities” — an act that bears an eerie resemblance to left- ists today encouraging transgen- der-identifying youth to reject and publicly shame their families if they aren’t “affirmative” enough. The Soviet Union also had a robust state indoctrination program for kids. Lenin recognized that adult Russians were unlikely to ever shed fully their “bourgeois” mindset and that the true revolutionary generation would be one of children raised practically from birth to be unquestionably loyal to the regime.

bans on prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to healthy children. Former President Donald Trump has also outlined plans to ban these practices at the federal level if he is re-elected in 2024. Groups like the Young America’s Foundation and the Young Repub- licans also exist to promote conser- vatism to the younger generations. The conservative news outlet The Daily Wire has pledged to invest $100 million in children’s entertain- ment content to counteract the woke influence of companies like Disney. The fight to save the youngest gener- ations of Americans from ruin will be a decades-long struggle, and the outcome is far from certain. But given the stakes involved, it is a battle well worth waging. Shane Harris Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @Shane_Harris_.

Historical Analogues

These attempts by the left to co-opt an entire generation of young people to carry out their vision for a “reimagining” of society are not unprecedented. Throughout history, radical and destructive movements like the one facing America today have always sought to target chil- dren first. Mao Zedong, the infamous Chinese communist leader, referred to chil- dren’s minds as a “blank sheet of paper” and viewed them as indispens- able tools of the regime. During Mao’s “Cultural Revolution,” thousands of children turned in their parents to the

Hope for the Future

Despite all the doom-and-gloom headlines, however, there is ample reason for hope that America’s youngest generations can be saved. Many Republican governors and state legislatures have enacted bans on Critical Race Theory and radical gender ideology in schools, as well as

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