AMAC Magazine: Volume 17, Issue 3 - May/June 2023

a generation at risk

How the radical left is destroying american youth

I n recent years, poll after poll has shown that young people in Amer- ica today are more depressed, anxious, and lonely than ever before. But while the left blames these strug- gles on everything from “climate change” and “systemic racism” to “Republican extremism,” a litany of evidence points to the opposite conclusion: the suffocating hold the left has over nearly every Amer- ican institution has led to a genera- tion-wide crisis.

counseling. Concerned parents have also raised the alarm about sexu- ally explicit books on school library shelves, including graphic depictions of lewd sex acts being made avail- able to young children by radical left- wing educators. All of this is the culmination of a years-long effort by liberal activ- ists and government bureaucrats to transform school curricula into a crash course in left-wing orthodoxy.

Although this threat has existed for decades, many parents first became acutely aware of it two years ago amid revelations that schools were embedding curricula inspired by Critical Race Theory in everything from math lessons to reading mate- rials. Woke educators and admin- istrators push the lie that America was founded on racism and slavery. Government classes have stopped teaching the basics about how our democracy functions and are instead molding students to become an army of compliant left-wing activists, a teaching practice often referred to as “action civics.” Now many schools are openly refus- ing to keep parents informed about vital information regarding their chil- dren, including facts as basic as what “pronouns” they use and whether they are receiving mental health

Radical Gender Ideology

Classroom Indoctrination

No aspect of leftist ideology is more damaging to kids’ physi- cal and mental health than radical gender ideology. The campaign to normalize trans- genderism and the use of cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and

Perhaps the most high-profile exam- ple of the left’s creeping and debilitat- ing influence on the moral formation and declining psychological state of young people is the rampant indoc- trination taking place in school classrooms.

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