AMAC MAGAZINE: Volume 17, Issue 2 - MAR/APR 2023

T he AMAC Action team has been very busy with state issues during the early months of 2023. AMAC members let their voice be heard on issues involving election integrity, health care, parental rights, and the right to life in states throughout the country. Please note that the outcome of much of this activity was still pending at the time this issue of the AMAC Magazine went to press. AMAC IN ACTION



AMAC members in Minnesota began 2023 with an impassioned plea for their state legis- lature to defeat a bill that allows for abortion on demand. Unfortunately, despite receiving over 1,250 messages from AMAC members, the governor passed and signed this terrible legislation into law.

Kentucky advanced a bill in their state legisla- ture that allows parents and guardians to chal- lenge books and instructional material used in schools that they find objectionable. AMAC members in the Bluegrass State flooded their representatives with messages in support of this important legislation.



Louisiana AMAC members who have loved ones in nursing homes and assisted living facilities were surveyed to gather data for state legislators to craft AMAC members sent thousands of messages opposing ranked-choice voting legislation in Arizona, Utah, Illinois, and Idaho. AMAC members in New Mexico responded to their state legislature’s attempts to push through bad “voters’ rights” bills. In Wyoming, AMAC members contacted their state senate to successfully support a bill to prevent the oppo- sition party and unaffiliated voters from cross- ing over to vote in Republican primaries.

South Carolina AMAC members contacted their state legislature to support the repeal of an outdated bill that causes health care costs to increase and limits access to care.


AMAC Action engaged the membership in Wisconsin to get out the vote in a key state Supreme Court election that will determine the court’s ideological preference for years.

bills to protect the voting rights of these vulnerable citizens. On the federal level, AMAC Action supported House Joint Resolution 30 to disapprove a regulation that puts Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) over fiduciary duty for investment decision making. The resolution passed on a bipartisan basis.

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