AMAC MAGAZINE: Volume 17, Issue 2 - MAR/APR 2023

There are several ways that the radi- cal Left is wreaking havoc in the cities where they have implemented ‘woke,’ so-called social justice policies. According to Heritage’s report, these policies include but are not limited to: • Refusing to prosecute entire cate- gories of misdemeanor crimes, including theft, drug posses- sion, shoplifting, receiving stolen property, breaking and entering, destruction of property, disturb- ing the peace, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and more. • Forbidding prosecutors from including sentencing enhance- ments or allegations of prior convictions or special circum- stances for egregious crimes or actions. • Forbidding prosecutors from seek- ing the death penalty in any case. • Forbidding prosecutors from seek- ing life without parole sentences for any crime. • Refusing to prosecute violent teenagers in adult court for such crimes as murder, child abuse, and rape. • Requiring prosecutors to ask for the release of duly convicted violent felons, whose appeals have been denied, after these felons have served at least 15 years of a longer sentence. • Prohibiting or limiting prosecutors from asking for bail and/or taking into consideration the defendant’s prior criminal record as ways to

ensure the presence of the defen- dant at the next court hearing. “There were 2,554 homicides in those 30 cities through June 2022. In the 14 cities with Soros-backed rogue pros- ecutors, there were 1,752 homicides, representing 68% of homicides in the 30 top homicide cities in the United States,” the report said. These are essentially people who are not only refusing to do their job but are empowering criminals and weak- ening the rule of law. It is a dereliction of duty at best. Labeling Democrats as hypocritical for proclaiming to be champions of democracy while simul- taneously advocating for policies that break down the very democratic institutions they claim to defend is an understatement. The American people can’t and won’t fall for this deceitful practice as their cities burn around them. A separate analysis of “Cities with the biggest homicide rate problems” by WalletHub looked at Q4 2022 data compared to Q4 2021 and Q4 2020. They found the following cities had a growing homicide problem: 1. Atlanta, GA 2. Baltimore, MD 3. Detroit, MI 4. Las Vegas, NV

This list correlates closely with the trends identified in the Heritage report and lists some of the same cities. In fact, seven out of ten cities previously listed have Democrat mayors, with two being Republi- can and one Independent (formerly Dem). In 2020, it was reported that twelve major cities broke their homi- cide records. All twelve were run by Democrat mayors. Another telling statistic in the collapse of America’s Democrat-run cities is the dangerous rise of human trafficking, of which the vast majority of the victims are sexually exploited (approximately 79%). A list of the top ten cities with the most human trafficking, according to the National Human Trafficking Hotline Report (12/7/2007-12/31/2016), which ranks all major US cities by the number of reported telephone calls, per capita, includes: 1. Washington, DC

2. Atlanta, GA 3. Orlando, FL 4. Miami, FL 5. Las Vegas, NV 6. Sacramento, CA 7. St. Louis, MO 8. Baton Rouge, LA

9. Columbus, OH 10. Richmond, VA

5. Kansas City, MO 6. Chesapeake, VA 7. Chicago, IL 8. Memphis, TN 9. Jacksonville, FL 10. Denver, CO

For the years covered in the report, eight out of ten cities had all Demo- crat mayors. The two exceptions being Miami, FL, which had a Demo- crat and a Republican mayor during those years, and Las Vegas, whose

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