AMAC Action 2023 Annual Advocacy Report

PARENTAL RIGHTS WINS CALIFORNIA: AMAC flooded the legislature with messages to oppose a bill that would criminalize parents and grandparents who speak out against the immoral and unethical leftist and liberal indoctrination forced upon the school children of California. AMAC members sent 2,500 messages to all 80 members of the state legislature in opposition of the bill. Although the bill initially passed in the state legislature, it was then vetoed by the governor and parental rights were upheld in California.

KENTUCKY: AMAC Action defended parental rights in education by helping to enact legislation that allows parents to provide input in the curriculum used in public schools.



AMAC members also spoke up for injustices occurring in the private sector. AMAC members sent more than 91,000 messages to JP Morgan executives calling them out for stifling free speech and discriminating against religious Americans. Our members helped hold JP Morgan Chase accountable for its assault on the free speech rights of fossil fuel companies, arms manufacturers, and religious organizations. This assault included de-banking and denying services to former Ambassador Sam Brownback’s non-profit, the National Committee for Religious Freedom. During AMAC Action’s ongoing campaign, this issue came up at JP Morgan Chase’s shareholder meeting in May. Shareholder David Bahnsen brought a resolution forward that challenged the bank over the cancellation of accounts held by conservative organizations and individuals, championing AMAC Action’s position of free speech and religious liberty rights as enshrined in the First Amendment. Though Bahnsen’s resolution did not pass, he noted that JP Morgan Chase is now “petrified to discriminate against accounts on the basis of religion or politics.”


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