AMAC Action 2023 Annual Advocacy Report

These pieces of legislation are still awaiting passage in the Senate. Given the overwhelming bipartisan support that the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act received in the House, we are hopeful that the Senate will pass a version of the bill in early 2024. Days after we launched our call-to-action campaign to support the price transparency legislation, 10 members of Congress agreed to co-sponsor the legislation. We will execute a similar call-to-action campaign in the Senate. This legislation represents an important step in increasing hospital price transparency and reducing healthcare costs for patients. AMAC Action also played a critical role in pushing back against the far-left agenda. In March, AMAC Action advocates sent over 26,000 messages to President Biden petitioning him not to veto a bipartisan resolution to protect retirement funds from ESG investing. Biden ultimately vetoed the resolution, but not before AMAC members called him out on his promise to work with both Democrats and Republicans. AMAC Action also opposed the appointment of General C. Q. Brown’s nomination as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as well as Jack Lew’s nomination as US Ambassador to Israel. AMAC advocates sent roughly 25,000 messages to Senators within 36 hours urging them to oppose the general’s confirmation because of his record of promoting racial quotas, social experimentation, transgenderism and woke ideological teachings. AMAC members helped to cancel the vote prior to the Senate’s August recess. While the Democrat-run Senate ultimately confirmed these nominations, the pressure they felt from AMAC members and other concerned citizens forced the Democrat Senate Majority Leader to hastily and covertly confirm them outside the regular norms of the Senate.  Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act: a bill to protect the lives of children who are “born-alive” as the result of an unsuccessful abortion by directing lifesaving measures to ensure their survival.  Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act: a bill to reinforce the First Amendment right to free speech by defining enforcement measures if any federal employee attempts to violate citizens’ rights.  REINS Act: a bill to protect Americans against executive overreach by strengthening the process of congressional review of rules proposed by the Executive Branch.  Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act: a bill to prohibit school athletic programs that receive federal funding to allow biological males to compete in female sports.  Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Act: a bipartisan bill to support military veterans and their families as they create small businesses.  Senior Security Act: a bill to establish safeguards for all seniors to protect them from financial exploitation.


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