AMAC Magazine: Vol 16 - Issue 5

Geing to Know AMAC’s Safe Money Planning Group Part of the AMAC Family of Member Services AMAC Benet Highlight

A s one of the newest addi- tions to the AMAC family of member services, the Safe Money Planning Group has already made an impact on members who are looking to preserve and grow their retirement dollars. Sean Keefe, President of AMAC’s Safe Money Planning Group, points to a difficult childhood experience for shaping his determination to educate others about finance and retirement planning. “When I was seven years old, my father walked out on our family and left my mother with three kids and a home that was thirty days from fore- closure. My mom had no financial background or knowledge. We tried to save money in any way possible but were always scared not know- ing how we would get by. I learned at an early age that a lack of knowl- edge is the cause of most problems

in life, and certainly the cause of most financial problems.” Keefe strongly believes that under- standing basic financial rules, patterns, and trends can help you to come out further ahead than those who do not understand this informa- tion. That’s why his mission is simple — provide financial education to AMAC members. He’s right on track. Since being introduced less than a year ago, the Safe Money Planning Group has protected over $41 million on behalf of AMAC members, with almost a thousand members each month attending the online seminars personally hosted by Sean. “Working with like-minded people has truly been a wonderful experience for us. We have found that AMAC members are constantly looking to grow and learn how to better protect their money. Having the opportunity to help them has been a great bless- ing,” says Keefe.

AMAC’s Safe Money Planning Group manages clients in all fifty states. They specialize in simplifying annuity options, establishing your financial roadmap, and presenting a variety of investment opportunities. If you haven’t yet taken advantage of the educational videos and seminars offered by the Safe Money Planning Group, keep an eye on your inbox. Seminar invitations are emailed to members monthly and are free to all. Scan the code below for more infor- mation about the Smart Money Plan- ning Group’s next online seminar.

Patricia Lopez Director of Operations and Marketing AMAC Senior Resources Network

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