On government accountability: Did they show concern for govern- ment missteps, for errors and omis- sions by the Justice Department, the FBI, leaders at the IRS, CBP, DEA, state and defense departments, and within Congress, or did they forgive themselves, look past this kind of bold overreach, sidestep account- ability for political corruption — from Hillary Clinton’s anti-Trump lies to the FBI in 2016 and destruction of 30,000 emails, server, and documents to Hunter Biden’s multi-million dollar contracts with China and Ukraine made possible by trips on Air Force 2 with his VP father? Do they care, or are they skating? On rule of law: Did they oppose the attorney general who did not protect Supreme Court Justices under 18 USC 1507, but instead quietly worked to secure a letter from a teacher union that justified the deployment of FBI investigators against parents who spoke out at school board meetings by calling them “domestic terrorists”? Do they violate 230 years of history, political and constitutional prece- dent, Article II of the Constitution, and the Fourth Amendment by support- ing what most of the world sees as a politically inspired and theatrical unfair raid on a former president? Did they speak up against that overreach, or were they quiet? Similarly, do they endorse contin- ued captivity in a DC jail for January 6 th rioters, or have they tried to help those largely young and forgotten targets of political ire, now almost two years later? Did they partici- pate in, endorse, or demonstrate concerns surrounding the Pelosi show hearings? And, speaking of
Comparing Political Stances Limited Government 1. Preserve individual liberties: More Government 1. Primacy of government and superiority of federal employ-
• Speech • Worship • Travel • Livelihood • Gun and property ownership • Due process • Equal protection 2. Avoid unreasonable searches and seizures 3. Stop violations of the Bill of Rights 4. Keep government limited by only doing what the private sector cannot, such as: • National defense • Protecting the border • Reinforcing public safety • Assuring national transportation • Assuring energy infrastructure 5. Keep spending down to avoid in="ti0n 6. Keep economy open and market-based 7. Deter global aggression and illegal immigration 8. Keep foreign policy sound 9. Permit local control over education 10.Reinforce rule of law 11. Assure the non-political administration of justice
ees to make decisions: • Assumption of power • More federal spending and regulations • Higher taxes • Expanded control over pri- vate lives and free markets 2. Federal programs for anything 3. Seek to control: • Self-protection • Use of property 4. Seek to control when and how civilians: • Work • Congregate • Travel • Eat • Demonstarte • Celebrate 5. High spending that leads to: • Schools • Speech • Faith • Academics • Gender • Increasing national debt • nc0nt30lled in="ti0n • High interest rates • Job loss • Devalued pensions and stocks • Energy insecruity • Forfeited promises
continued on page 36
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