AMAC Magazine: Vol 16 - Issue 5


E lections count. This one may more than any in recent memory, which is saying something. By reference to philosophy, history, morality, and rule of law, our republic is at risk. Candidates running in 2022 coalesce around two poles, limited government or more government. In a nutshell, they either see an urgent need to decentralize power, restore states’ rights, and protect individ- ual liberties against an overreach- ing federal government or they see concentration of power as good and are ready to make most decisions for states, municipalities, and individuals.

All this amounts to one critical fact: The election counts, so trust democ- racy, focus, and vote. To help, here are touchstone questions you might ask as you approach the polling place. On fiscal policy: Does the candidate tend to believe your money belongs to you or to the government? Do they favor reduced spending, expenses, taxes, interest rates, and government meddling or more? Do they clearly see the incontrovertible link between federal spending and higher infla- tion, reduced energy independence, gas and oil costs, COVID restrictions, and millions of lost jobs and bank-

ruptcies? Do they understand that a taxpayer works a third of their year for the government now, the private sector creates everything we use, and that government is a drag on national growth, job security, and savings? Did they vote for the falsely named “Inflation Reduction Act,” which hammered the energy sector, topped Biden’s excess federal spending up to four trillion, and suddenly created four times the number of IRS audi- tors to come after middle-class taxpayers and smaller companies? Or did they oppose that act?

continued on page 34

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