by our Center for Security Policy recently established, within months, the CCP deliberately unleashed a biological warfare attack against this country and, indeed, the rest of the world, in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic. To date, they have killed a million of us. Worse yet, there is reason to believe the Chinese Communists are now preparing to add to such “non-ki- netic” kinds of warfare the old-fash- ioned, violent kind. The most obvious target is Taiwan, whose freedom the CCP is determined to crush. But our own assets, personnel, and territory may well be murderously attacked as well. Required Now: A Strategic Course-Correction The upshot of the foregoing, ominous facts is self-evident: We must make a major course-correction in our deal- ings with Communist China. And the 2022 election offers an opportunity to secure the American people’s mandate for such a change—and to get it underway as soon as possible. Here are seven commitments every- one running for federal- or state-level
elective office should be asked to endorse — and held accountable in fulfilling if elected: 1. The United States must recognize that the CCP is our mortal enemy, a transnational criminal organi- zation, and a threat that must be defeated. 2. To that end, the United States must adopt a war-footing that will end our dependence on Chinese supply chains for everything from medicines to rare earth minerals to fertilizers and silicon chips. 3. In fact, we must wean ourselves immediately from such vulner- abilities by disengaging from business dealings with China and finding genuine alterna- tive sources of supply (not simply Chinese cut-outs in other countries). 4. We must rebuild our military by focusing its funding, ener- gies, training, deployments, and acquisitions on deterring and, if necessary, defeating the Chinese Communist threat.
5. The government of the United States at every level must be purged of politicians and officials compromised by the CCP. 6. Financial managers must stop using American investors’ money to underwrite the Chinese Communist threat. 7. We must stand with our allies and partners like Taiwan to resist and roll back the CCP’s global expan- sion and protect vital US interests. Help us spread the word to educate our countrymen and women and to encourage candidates running in this fall’s elections to make these commitments part of their platform by signing up to receive “The Brief” at . Frank J. GaǺney Frank J. Gaffney acted as an Assistant Secre- tary of Defense in Ronald Reagan’s Pentagon. Today, he is the founder and Executive Chair- man of the Center for Security Policy and Vice Chairman of the Committee on the Present Danger: China.
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