[The Chinese Communists] have thus inflicted immense damage here without firing a shot ƴthanks largely to the CCP’s success in corrupting or otherwise subverting our political, media, academic, cultural, business, and financial elites.
rape, torture, industrial-grade organ harvesting, persecution of religious communities, slave labor, the incar- ceration of millions of political pris- oners, and genocide. An essential feature of the CCP’s effective use of such methods to gain and maintain power has been Orwel- lian mass surveillance. In recent years, the Chinese Communists have greatly enhanced the comprehensiveness and efficiency of such surveillance by integrating into it many millions of cameras, facial- and gait-recognition, massive data aggregation, artificial intelligence, and quantum comput- ing. Together, these constitute what is known as the “Social Credit System,” which rewards people for conforming to the party’s dictates and punishes them, for example, by denying oppor- tunities to travel, be employed, have access to bank accounts, educate their children, have housing, or buy food. The CCP’s treatment of the people of China is not just a profound human-
itarian concern. Any regime that brutalizes and even mass murders its own population will do the same, or worse, to others whom they regard as inferior and barbarous — people they hope to enslave. The CCP’s War on the Rest of the World And make no mistake, that is what the Communist Chinese have in mind for us, as their leader, Xi Jinping, himself has declared this as the object of his “China Dream” of restoring China to its rightful, historic place of tianxia — ruling “all under heaven.” To that end, the CCP is weaponizing such things as its “United Front Work Department” for exporting Chinese Communism through foreign front organizations; the PRC-dominated World Health Organization and the “China Model” it promoted as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the insinuation of the Social Credit System, here and else- where; a global colonial infrastruc- ture build-out program known as the
“Belt and Road Initiative”; the use of Huawei’s 5G networks for espionage and other forms of data collection; utilizing CCP’s platforms like TikTok and WeChat to aggregate and mine private information worldwide and to indoctrinate especially impres- sionable young people; propaganda and other influence operations; and technology theft and other forms of espionage. Regrettably, the Chinese Commu- nists have gotten away with using these techniques and others to wage what they call “unrestricted warfare” against our country for decades. They have thus inflicted immense damage here without firing a shot — thanks largely to the CCP’s success in corrupting or otherwise subvert- ing our political, media, academic, cultural, business, and financial elites. Moreover, in May 2019, the CCP’s main propaganda outlet, People’s Daily , actually declared a “People’s War” against the United States. And, as an important new study sponsored
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Ɨî • AMAC Magazine
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