I n the upcoming 2022 elections, voters will not just be select- ing people to represent them on impending decisions concerning inflation, immigration, and the direc- tion of our country more generally. The winning candidates may well be required very soon to partici- pate in decisions that will bear on our national security and survival in the face of a mortal threat: the determined efforts of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to decisively defeat our country in the one-sided war it has been waging against us for decades. The magnitude of this danger is hard to overstate — yet, many Americans aren’t even aware it exists. And, unless the public becomes knowledgeable about the CCP’s ambitions and what they mean for us, a fleeting opportu- nity to prepare for what’s headed our way may be squandered. This article is part of a concerted effort being made by groups like our Committee on the Present Danger: China and the Association for Mature American Citizens to equip you — and those who want to represent you — with the knowledge to recognize this challenge to ours and future genera- tions and to rise to it as we must .
domination of not just our country but the entire world. To calibrate how ominous a prospect that is, let’s consider how the CCP treats its own people.
Over the past seven decades, the Chinese Communists have enslaved not only a number of ethnic minorities, including Uyghur Muslims, Tibetans, South- ern Mongolians, and, most recently, the people of Hong Kong; they have also subjected the Han Chinese majority to systematic and severe repression. In fact, by some esti- mates, from Mao Tse-tung’s time to now, the CCP has in China. And that doesn’t include the 400 million unborn babies the party boasts of killing as part of its barbaric popula- tion-control program instituted to enforce the “One-Child” policy. Among the techniques used by the Chinese Communists to achieve and maintain the party’s totalitarian control of a population of some 1.4 billion are engineered mass starvation, serial murdered roughly 100 million people
The Chinese Communist Party is a Monster
Let’s start with a fundamental truth: In the course of human history, there has never been a more dangerous regime. That is particularly prob- lematic since the CCP is bent on the
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9/19/2022 3:42:39 PM
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