AMAC Magazine: Vol 16 - Issue 5

rage” — lending credence to Critical Race Theory’s divisive rhetoric and further calling into question Milley’s judgment, as well as his integrity and commitment to nonpartisanship. In one of the most jarring instances of the left’s political weaponization of the military, Joe Biden — in perhaps the most divisive speech ever deliv- ered by a sitting US president — used the US Military as a political prop by forcing two Marines to flank him as he demonized the Republican Party as an “extreme threat to our democracy” and virtually declared conservatives to be enemies of the state. Furthermore, the wokeification of the military has yielded major concerns for national security and military preparedness: Biden Defense Secre- tary Lloyd Austin has suggested implementing “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” hiring standards, most commonly seen in left-wing corporate boardrooms and college campuses, in the military — a move that would place factors like race, gender, and sexual orientation ahead of merit for determining promotions and commendations. The downstream effects of this woke takeover of the military are already having a dangerous impact on the military’s state of readiness. In August of last year, the US suffered what is arguably the greatest military humiliation in American history with Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan with- drawal, which led to the death of 13 servicemembers and the surrender- ing of $85 billion worth of American military equipment to the Taliban. At the same time, every branch of the military is struggling to reach its

recruiting goals, with some branches predicting a more than 40 percent shortfall in enlistees. At the soonest possible opportu- nity — which could come in January 2023 when the new Congress begins — Republicans must do everything in their power to halt the corruption of the military and restore its apolitical reputation. Though significant insti- tutional change might not be possi- ble until a Republican once again occupies the White House — at which point policies like the Trump admin- istration’s proposed Schedule F plan (which would empower the president to fire thousands of rogue bureau- crats) could take effect — a Republi- can majority in Congress must use every tool at its disposal to force the Biden administration and top military leaders to stop the woke radicaliza- tion of the military. As threats from foreign adversaries like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea continue to escalate, a strong American military could very well be the last thing standing between inter- national stability and chaos. For the good of the United States — and of the world — every American citizen should hope the next Congress can reverse this dangerous trend before it’s too late. Seamus Brennan Seamus Brennan served in the Trump Admin- istration at the US Department of Agriculture. Previously, he interned at the White House and The Heritage Foundation. He is a graduate of the College of the Holy Cross.


their country into pledging allegiance to an anti-American belief system. Under the Biden administration, the Navy Professional Reading Program added books to their reading list that openly promote these ideas — includ- ing How to Be an Antiracist , a book by Critical Race Theorist Ibram X. Kendi, which explicitly argues that “the only remedy to past discrimination is pres- ent discrimination” and that “capital- ism is essentially racist.” In a June 2021 congressional hearing, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Gilday, when questioned by Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) on whether or not he agrees with Kendi’s assertion that capitalism is racist, shockingly refused to answer the question — instead insisting that he would “have to go back to the book to take a look at that.” Moreover, in June of this year, the Navy was blasted for compelling new recruits to watch training videos on “proper pronoun usage.” During a congressional hearing in 2021, in response to questions about the inclusion of these and other objec- tionable materials on reading lists at military academies, Milley justi- fied the decision by announcing that he wants to “understand white

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9/19/2022 4:34:53 PM

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