AMAC Magazine: Vol 16 - Issue 5


T his midterm election cycle, there is perhaps no sleeper issue with a higher potential to mobilize Republican voters than the wokeification of top US military leadership, which in recent years has raised deep concerns that the once- proud and warrior-like American mili- tary culture is now being infected with bureaucratic corruption and far-left racial and gender ideologies. Nothing better illustrates this pattern than the fact that virtually no one in the mainstream media has even acknowledged reports that Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, drafted a resignation letter to former President Donald Trump in June 2020 (at the peak of the summer Black Lives Matter riots) that alleged Trump was “doing great and irrepara- ble harm” to the nation. “The events of the last couple weeks have caused me to do deep soul-searching, and I can no longer faithfully support and execute your orders as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,” Milley wrote in the leaked letter, which he never sent to the president. “I believe that you have made a concerted effort over time to politicize the United States military. I thought that I could change that. I’ve come to the reali-

reportedly spoke to a Chinese military official behind Trump’s back to prom- ise he would provide advance warn- ing in the event of a US attack. When that story broke in late 2021, Milley found himself on the receiving end of relentless criticism from conser- vatives and former military leaders, including an onslaught of calls for his resignation, requests for him to testify before Congress, and even accusations of treason. But, unsur- prisingly, Milley has thus far refused to step down. This pattern of bureaucratic insubor- dination has been readily apparent in other executive agencies for years. The idea, however, that high-ranking officials in the United States Armed Forces would actively work to under- mine the president is nothing short of a constitutional crisis. Unfortunately, the politicization of the military does not stop with Milley’s animosity toward a duly elected pres- ident. In recent years, the country’s military academies and training camps have become primary targets for the progressive left to spread fringe ideologies like Critical Race Theory and gender theory, forcing young people who just want to serve

zation that I cannot, and I need to step aside and let someone else try to do that.” Instead of submitting the letter and tendering his resignation, however, The New Yorker reported that Milley ultimately decided to remain in his role and “fight” Trump from within the administration — a clear act of insubordination. “F*** that s***,” Milley reportedly told his staff. “I’ll just fight him.” Milley’s decision underscores a grave threat to the military — one of the strikingly few remaining American institutions that still retains a degree of public trust and respect. As many conservatives have been quick to note following the leak of the letter, Milley’s attitude reflects the concern- ing belief of some high-ranking military officials that they have a right — or even a duty — to subvert the interests of a democratically elected Commander-in-Chief if they believe it is best. But, unfortunately, the leak of Milley’s letter is far from the only controversy surrounding his tenure as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In one especially damning incident, he

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