AMAC Magazine 15 Year Special Edition

OUR FOUNDER: BOLD AS A LION BY: REBECCA WEBER Once upon a time there lived a man who found his identity and worth in the goodness of God. Born the 3rd son to James and Anne Weber, Daniel C. Weber would form AMAC during his first year of retirement. At age 64, Dan knew that God wasn’t finished with him yet. Dan was a smart man and a great thinker. He liked to tinker with things, find new ways to repurpose old objects, make old things new again, and make new things even better. He’d come to me with his ideas: A cold pack remedy, a new and improved way to clean ears, a machine powered by magnets, a new way to fasten on a tie, a buttonless-button-down dress shirt, a

way to offer free healthcare to the poor, a solution to keep social security solvent. He was always thinking and doing. Doing and thinking. Idea after idea, failure after success, and success after failure, he was audacious. He was a risk-taker. He was bold: bold as a lion. “From where do you get your confidence?” I once asked him. “From God,” he replied. “He does most of the work. So, I only think on the things I can change, and trust God to do the rest.” “Sure,” I thought. Easy for you, not so easy for me.

I was always a believer since I can remember. And I remember choosing to follow God. So why didn’t I have that same boldness? I wanted his confidence: bold as a lion! I worked side by side with my father: from sending emails at the break of dawn to


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