AMAC Action 2020 Annual Advocacy Report

2021 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES 1. Election Reform – Work with ALEC – American Legislative Exchange Council and identify other groups, like True the Vote, to coordinate efforts and mobilize AMAC Action advocates to lobby state legislators in target states to reform their election procedures. 2. Social Security a. Social Security Guarantee (SSG) – Initiate bipartisan congressional introduction and passage of the key elements of the SSG to prevent insolvency. b. Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act - Eliminate the income tax on Social Security and Railroad Retirement benefits. 3. Protect the First Amendment Right of Free Speech - Repeal Section 230 legal immunity protection in the federal Communications Act for “Big Tech” to eliminate censorship of conservative voices on social media. 4. Health care a. Get Congress to enact a tax deduction for physicians (and other health care professionals including dentists, optometrists, chiropractors, and podiatrists) who treat Medicaid eligible individuals in their clinics or offices, first enlisting the lead associations of each practitioner group. b. Block congressional efforts to pass Medicare for All, the federal option, and any other legislation that expands Obamacare. c. Ensure that veterans are afforded full access to treatment through either the VA or medical facilities of their choice through vouchers. d. Repeal the outpatient prescription drug and hospital supply anti-kickback safe harbor statute. 5. National Debt Reduction – Work with American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the Balance Budget Amendment group, Convention of States, Americans For Tax Reform and other allied groups towards the convening by the states of a Constitutional Convention that includes the content of Bill of Financial Responsibilities. 6. Oppose federal tax increases and excessive job killing regulations because of the adverse impact on jobs and prices, thereby penalizing seniors on fixed incomes; and injuring small business opportunity and growth. RECAP OF 2020 CONGRESSIONAL ACTIVITY The Covid-19 pandemic and ensuing precautions drove down the number of in-person advocate meetings and attendance at grassroots events, but AMAC Action was able to utilize virtual technology to continue to lobby Congress and connect AMAC members with their federal representatives. Members of AMAC Action’s Government Relations Team met with 93 Congressional offices (in-person or virtually) in 2020. These meetings involved seeking co-sponsors for H.R. 856 – providing a tax deduction for physician free treatment of the poor, procuring support for AMAC’s Social Security Guarantee and discussions to reform health care and strengthen Medicare. The meetings also involved follow-up from activity generated by AMAC Action’s Regional Representatives, Delegates, and Chapter Leaders.

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