AMAC Action 2021 Annual Advocacy Report

(6) “Democrat Governors in Trouble” (7) “Biden’s Cheap Words Have Implications” (8) “Cardinal Lessons” (9) “Stop Appeasing China and Iran” (10) “Democrats Coming for America’s Guns” (11) “Tribute to Rush - His Light Lives” (12) “Cold Day - Remembering Freedom” (13) “Social Media Colliding with Liability” (14) “Biden’s Immigration Policy - Dangerous Mess” (15) “Winter of Our Discontent? No, Resolve”

(16) “Democrats’ Equality Act - Unnecessary, Unconstitutional” (17) “Happy Warrior - Positive Nature of Conservatism” (magazine) (18) “The Sun Also Rises - 2022 Elections” (magazine)

March 2021 (17)

(1) “Republicans Championed Women’s Suffrage” (2) “Biden Looks Fragile - Must Project Strength” (3) “AMAC Polls and Predictive Power” (4) “Biden’s Foreign Policy - Dangerously Unfocused” (5) “Ode to Dr. Seuss” (about free speech) (6) “The Power of Humor” (7) “Biden’s Misery Wave” (8) “Culture and Constitution Colliding” (9) “False Narrative Pushing HR 1 - Do Not Believe it” (10) “Profound Media Bias - Law Must Change” (11) “Biden’s Slide - How Long Can it Go On?” (12) “Patriotic Story” (13) “Accelerating Corporate Self-Censorship” (14) “Biden Press Conference - Telling” (15) “Best Argument against China - is China” (16) “Luckier Than We Know” (17) “Three Diplomatic Lessons - Rooted in History”

April 2021 (21)

(1) “When are Media Outlets Political Actors?” (2) “Stop the Doublespeak on S.1.” (3) “Mass Illegal Migration - Must be Stopped” (4) “Easter Season - Spring Coming” (5) “High Court Defends Religious Liberty - We Must Too” (6) “Biden’s Court Packing - Likely to Backfire” (7) “Americans and Social Media - What Next?” (8) “Biden’s Border Policies - and Abuse of Minors” (9) “Honor Law Enforcement - Know Hard Facts”

(10) “Culture of Perpetual Riots - Why?” (11) “Sanction China for Cyber Attacks”

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