AMAC Action 2021 Annual Advocacy Report

While some organizations sat on the sidelines or even opposed Arizona’s efforts, AMAC stepped up and made a lasting impact in the fight to protect the freedoms of all Arizonans.” Representative Jake Hoffman, (AZ House District 12), sponsor of election integrity and Critical Race Theory legislation “Thanks to AMAC and our Electoral College Coalition partners, we defeated the National Popular Vote legislation in Maine this year. It received no “yes” votes in the Veterans & Legal Affairs Joint Committee. AMAC’s grassroots engagement clearly had a positive impact!” Michael C. Maibach Save Our States THE AMERICAN PATRIOT AWARD In November, AMAC Action invited 103 Members of Congress to an event on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. recognizing them for the work they’ve done on behalf of the AMAC membership. The honorees received the American PATRIOT Award, which was conceived by AMAC’s late founder, Dan Weber, to show these representatives our appreciation for their perseverance during these chaotic times and inspire them to keep fighting on our behalf. 2021 PROACTIVE COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY AMAC media generated a substantial number of in-depth articles, columns, and social media reflecting member interest, concern, and priorities in policy and politics, law and legislation, history, morality, domestic and foreign policy, and presentation of key truths through analysis throughout 2021. During 2021, 2,754 daily tweets were drafted for AMAC’s Twitter account generating 2.28 million tweet impressions (how many individuals looked at AMAC tweets), or an average of 6,200 people looking at AMAC tweets daily. AMAC’s Twitter had 227,800 profile visits, acquired approximately 1,118 new followers, produced 16,400 likes, 1,182 comments, 6,403 retweets and generated 9,900 link clicks. AMAC’s Facebook posts reached over 18 million people while AMAC’s Instagram posts reached over 482,390 people in 2021. These social media engagements hit a range of themes, including: election integrity, the border crisis, stopping runway spending, halting Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools, standing with law enforcement, opposing defunding the police, celebrating national heroes, supporting Israel, restoring strong US defense against China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and highlighting constitutional and moral values, history, flag, protecting religious liberty, free speech, Second Amendment, and other longstanding individual rights. AMAC’s in-depth articles rang bells on multiple platforms, triggering constant interviews for AMAC’s national spokesperson Robert B. Charles on top television and radio programs, retweets by leading public and private figures, and growing national attention. Radio interviews ranged from national to regional, Glenn Beck, Hugh Hewitt, Larry Elder, Neil Cavuto, Fox & Friends, Larry O’Connor, Alan Nathan, Mark Hahn, to Newsmax, Frank Gaffney, Robert Ehrlich, and a range of other outlets.

AMAC Action | | 855.809.6976 |


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